
Mission to impact - Tuesday 16 May Campus Biotech

How to bridge the divide between breakthrough scientific discovery and commercial success? What can we learn from successful examples from the Stanford University and the Silicon Valley as well the Lake of Geneva region?

This conference will look upon the work realized by research institutions, working together with private companies & financial sponsors to put impactful innovations to the marketplace.

Luis Mejia,Senior Associate at Stanford University will share his insider experience of the story behind the launch and spinoff of Google as well as other impactful innovations transferred during his +20 years of experience at the heart of Silicon Valley.

Other examples of impactful innovations from the University of Geneva and the Lake Geneva area will be also showcased.

As conclusion, a round table will address the definition of impact and the lessons learned in optimizing the connection and collaboration between hospitals, academic, private industry and sponsors in bridging early-stage research and successful diffusion of impactful innovations.


Conference with:
Luis Mejia, The man behind the Google Story and Senior Associate at Stanford University

Followed by a panel-discussion "What is impact?"

Tuesday, 16 may | 6:00 pm | Campus Biotech
Campus Biotech, Chemin des Mines 9, 1202 Genève

Free entry with mandatory registration


The A3 poster in pdf format
The A5 flyer in pdf format


+41 22 379 71 54